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Library Sections

  1. Technical Processing Section - where all the documents are acquired and process accordingly
  2. Circulation Section –Issuing and return documents
  3. Periodical Section - where one can get journals, magazines, newspapers
  4. Reference Section - where we get all reference documents such as Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Almanac, Handbooks, Directories, Reports, Conference Proceedings, Bibliography, Indexes, Biographies, Atlases and maps, Thesis and Dissertation have been placed separately from the listed reference materials
  5. Stack Section - where all the books are kept
  6. Study Room Section - Where users easily search the books of his/her interest and can read in study room
  7. IT Section - where users can access the internet as well as library’s e-collections such as e-databases, e-journals, e-books etc.
  8. Back Volume Sections - Where all the previous volumes of Newspapers, Periodicals and Magazines
  9. Special Collection Section - where special books like Children Section, Eminent Personality Section, Donated Books Sections etc.
  10. Braille sections - Where Braille machines and books for blind users are kept